In 1786, two Chamonix natives, Jacques Balmat and Michel-Gabriel Paccard, were among the first to climb Mont-Blanc in France. In those days, basic outdoor gear wasn’t particularly well-suited to mountain climbing, so resourceful day-trippers often designed their own clothing.
From such pioneers such to 20th-century winter-sports enthusiasts, mountain apparel has continued to evolve. In the 1930s, stretch ski pants — or the “fuseau” –appeared, and waterproof ski jackets became popular in the 1940s. From then on, mountain clothing became a category in its own right.
This exhibition retraces the evolution of mountain fashion, fabrics and trends, based on photographs and existing clothing and accessories. It also bears witness to the fine line between the clothing”s strictly utilitarian aspect of mountain clothing and its style.
Exposition présentée du 18 décembre 2014 au 20 septembre 2015
Musée de Megève
Ancien Hospice – 66, rue du Comte de Capré
74120 Megève
du 1er juin au 31 octobre 2014
La Châtaignière-Rovorée – Domaine départemental d’art et de culture
Route d’Excenevex – 74140 Yvoire
Tél. 04 50 72 80 21